Monday, November 26, 2018

Week of November 26 - November 30, 2018


Check the Vocal Department Blog for specifics...

Wednesday MT Projects, DRAMA CLASSES, FALL 2018

We are pushing to get ALL of the song coaching completed before the end of the semester. (Intro to Drama, 2nd Period is WAY BEHIND. The school schedule has not been kind to us.) Despite that, we'll forge ahead. Remember this, as we prepare for your in-class presentations: 

1. We'll meet outside of class to pick and review your repertoire choice.
2. We'll go over the vocal line, melody and rhythms.
3. We'll talk about the text/lyrics.
4. We'll record a reduced piano accompaniment track, so you are able to review and practice your selection, daily.


On the horizon is our trip to NYC where you’ll present specific material from your audition portfolio/book in various master classes in Dance, Acting and Musical Theatre Song Interpretation. Over the next weeks, please make sure that you are ready to present yourself and your skills, in a manner that demonstrates thorough preparation. Be sure, as well, to research and prepare your monologues. For your Musical Theatre portfolio, I will help guide you, as you research and compile song selections. We’ll probably have time for a single, one-on-one session, since there are so many of you and little time during the school day. (Believe it or not, there are 68 other CCCEPA musical theatre coaching sessions that need to occur, before final exams. #somanysongcuts) After our session, it is up to you entirely to finish your preparation with practice and rehearsal. In NY, you will present either a 16 or 32-bar cut. However, it is alwaysto your advantage to know the full song.


I would like your song selections to be catalogued in the following sections, in your portfolio/book:

Freshman, Sophomore and Junior members of ComPAny 2019:

A Ballad and an Up-Tempo

A Ballad and an Up-Tempo

Contemporary, Post-1985, (Could be comic or dramatic)
A Ballad and an Up-Tempo

Rock/Pop, anything after 1950
A Ballad and an Up-Tempo

A Ballad ORan Up-Tempo

“Wild Card”
Any song which demonstrates your vocal range (low to high notes), musicianship, vocal facility/control AND your personality. (Remember, songs should be appropriate in language.)

Senior members of ComPAny 2019:
You most certainly will be asked to present most, if not all, of your college audition material for coaching by the master class teachers. However, you are welcome to catalogue your song selections/research into your portfolio/books in the same way.

Mr. d'H

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